Return & exchange policy

If you are not satisfied with the purchase experience, you can either return your order or exchange it for another product

You can return up to 7 days from the date of receiving the order

Or replacement within a period of up to 14 days if it has a manufacturing defect 

From the date of receipt of the application and after this period, the warranty period will be completed through the customer support service

– The products that are returned must be in their original condition and in the original box, and there are no parts in it, and its original packaging and it has not been opened at all, and the invoice that was attached to the request must be available

– Refunds take from 7 to 14 working days in the event of cancellation or return of the order.

– If the order is not received by the customer, the shipping fees (free - paid) will be deducted and the remaining amount will be returned to the wallet.

Please note that the store is not responsible for any returned shipment that has not been replaced within 30 days from the date of contacting the customer and informing him of the necessary procedures for replacement.

* Please note that the store is not responsible for any shipment that is returned to it for refund and is not in its original condition, and the customer has been informed of the refusal to return

The customer has the right to claim his shipment within a maximum period of 30 days.